- We accept children who are as young as one and a half years old as of the end of March. While we usually adhere to this guideline, we also look at the physical and mental development of the individual as a factor when considering new students. For this reason, we have accepted children younger than the above age in the past if we saw evidence that they were ready for school. On the other hand, there have also been cases where children older than one and a half had to wait several months before they could enroll if they were not mature enough for school. Our main concern is whether or not the student can safely stay at pre-school. Please bring your child to the observation so we can determine if he/she is ready or not.
- Yes, you can enroll your child even if he/she is not yet potty trained, and with the cooperation of our staff, can work together to encourage his/her potty training at home. While every student is different, we usually begin potty training in the summer of the student’s second year of pre-school, before they enter kindergarten.
- Don't worry. Our Japanese and foreign staff will help your child eat his / her lunches properly and accordingly. We write down how well your child did on his/her lunch every day, and you can check when you come to pick up your child from school.
- Definitely! You’re more than welcome to enroll at our school. Please contact us to make an appointment to observe a day at our school.